Benefit amazing to eat corn

Whether you are going on the Corniche, or spend your holiday in the desert or sit relaxed in your home, the cob of corn grilled useful healthy choice deliciously rich wonderful nutritional value and despite the fact that corn is seen as one of the vegetables they a grain types

And back the origin of the original corn to Mexico and North America used corn on a large scale in the eating , whether grilled or in soup or added to food or salad or eaten toaster and benefits ofmultiple corn for health include the prevention of cancer, diabetes and other  benefits of cornrenewed energy rich corn calories that useful give energy to the body and give the benefit of high nutritional value and at the same time  

and the power source in a diverse healthy corn between good fats, carbohydrates and protein 

Cancer Prevention
corn contains large amounts of antioxidants , which help get rid of the free cracks that cause damage to body cells regulate the digestion of corn is very rich in dietary fiber and insoluble, which helps regulate digestion and prevent constipation and prevention also of stomach cancer , the 

prevention of anemia
A the most important benefits of corn contain a good amount of iron and B vitamins and many minerals such as copper which elements help increase iron representation in the body to reduce bad cholesterol level of the benefits of corn lowering bad cholesterol level by reducing theabsorption of cholesterol from the stomach thanks to the soluble fiber found in abundance in corncontrol body weight and diet rich in corn necessary nutrients for the body and the work functions in addition to dietary fiber , which helps in the sense of satiety is also a low - calorie preventing heart disease have found studies that corn for them benefits in the prevention of heart disease by omega - 3 dietary fiber prevention of diabetes corn helps in the prevention of diabetes which contains pantothenic acid, one of the B vitamins , which help in carbohydrates representation, protein and fat to strengthen eye health corn containing a quantity of carotenoids that protect against eye diseases beneficial to the health of the pregnant and the fetus corn contains many useful elements for the health of pregnant and her unborn child such as minerals, vitamins, fiber and help folate in corn on the prevention of congenital malformations of the embryos to increase the skin 'shealth corn is very useful for the health of the skin to the presence of many of the antioxidants that protect against skin problems and increase the freshness improve the health of the hair of thebenefits of corn to improve hair health and protect him from the drought and rainfal
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