Benefits of parsley .. of the most popular types of aromatic plants known and used considerable popular, but his real name is "parsley", but he became famous more as the parsley, as it is called in some Arab countries, the name Almaduns, uses parsley since introduced decades has used ancient pharaohs many uses Medical and spice for food and also because it is rich in many important minerals and vitamins to human health is very rich vitamin C it contains a quantity up to four times the amount found in the lemon vitamin C also contains vitamin a, B, B2, B3, B6 also contains iron and chlorophyll.
• Parsley benefits in the face of cancer:
Try eating parsley drink, or in addition to food for the prevention of cancer it contains antioxidants and complex organic known as "Almaersiei" which works to prevent the growth of tumors is also working on the face of the free slots such as "benzopyrene" which causes the cancer that threatens the addresses or resides in the vicinity of cigarette smokers.
• Parsley benefits for your colon:
Uses parsley oil in the treatment of colon cleansing is working to get rid of the gases, intestinal, and improves digestion by helping the process of digesting Allbrootinat oils also works to help the body get rid of waste quickly, as the body cleans toxins used Kmadr a natural diuretic and is used as a laxative the gut
Parsley benefits for women
Used by the ancients of old time in organizing their menstrual periods for women it contains fatty acids that works to balance the hormones responsible for the menstrual cycle, and is used Lye intravaginal to regulate the menstrual disorders and the treatment of gonorrhea White.
• Parsley benefits in reduced weight:
Boiling syrup used parsley leaves into Almsaah on weight loss, it contains vitamins C, K, A, and folic acid is recommended drink of on a daily basis to help them lose is generating a natural diuretic and this worked to get rid of excess water in the body, but he alone can not reduce weight but is used as a tea Alrjbim to help get rid of excess weight.
Parsley benefits to the kidneys
Parsley Kmadr normal urine works and therefore it works to speed up the expulsion of toxins from the kidneys and the body process as urea, for example, and in order to contain the subjects Almarei and apiol, as he is used as a disinfectant sewage urinary and solvent for kidney stones and yours by drinking boiled parsley leaves three times a day.
• Parsley for the skin and hair benefits:
Parsley is used in many blends and convinced him of the skin because it contains vitamin C and antioxidants, making it an important factor in the face of advancing age and the signs of aging is also working to stimulate the skin to produce collagen and some famous recipes for the skin using parsley:
- For the treatment of blackheads: The chop some fresh parsley leaves and put them on possible that their blackheads and steam bath work for the face for 5 minutes, then rub the mixture on the skin softly.
- The freshness and vitality of the skin: The chop the amount of pending invites from fresh parsley leaves and then put it in boiling water is then filtered and mixed with a little soft and the headquarters of egg yolk and then put the mixture p skin for 30 minutes and then washed with warm water and then cold water.
- For the treatment of hair loss: The boil the amount of a cup of fresh parsley leaves and simmer until frayed fully becomes Kjeenh henna are even hair and split it and put the mixture on the parts of the whole hair, especially the scalp and cover the hair dry towel for 30 minutes and then is done massage for hair and blend it and then hair is washed with shampoo mild shampoos like children.