What are the benefits of pomegranate peel

Previously we discussed in an article  the advantages and disadvantages of pomegranate  and today we'll talk in this article about the benefits of pomegranate peel 
It is a great tree blessing created by the Creator amazing Habadtha in its class, and color bright crust leather texture, a tree of paradise and pomegranate trees is the autumnal fruit Zahrth red color and bear fruit this tree early, when it gives the crop in the third year of cultivation and is considered the Yemeni pomegranate of the best types of pomegranates, there is a kind of pomegranate Accessories like a tree grown because of the beauty of flowers and wonderful appearance

There are many countries which is famous for the cultivation of pomegranate The first is Iran ,which is one of the world 's largest producers and exporters of pomegranates , followed byYemen, Spain, America and pomegranates are three types The first type has a sweet kernels red tend to be white and the second intense reddish grains which acid and the third moderate and despite differences in the types of pomegranate However, all types rich in vitamins and many minerals and carbohydrates , as it does not contain fat and cholesterol pomegranate contains many benefits represented in the seeds and juice and even in the crust , which get rid of it and realize how great interest in it to peel pomegranates also benefits no less important than its seed as shell in biting recipes and grind dried and used either alone or with the addition of some of the material ,where pomegranates cortex benefit in the treatment of many diseases and infections that affect different parts of the body

The benefits of pomegranate peel
uses pomegranate peel in the treatment of many disease states and Prevention ( CDC ), such as 1-  treated diabetes and helps in the prevention of infection 2.  protects against heart disease and cancers 3.  protect against infections of the esophagus 4-  treated wounds and then spraying crushed on the wound, as well as addresses eczema and skin infections 5.  the treatment for mouth ulcers and gum 6.  helps get rid of duodenal ulcers 7.  the treatment for severe fever 8.  longer useful to the health of the teeth and bleached as the crushed mixture with water helps to expel odors from the mouth 9.  maintains moisture skin and prevents it from drying out 10.  used Koaq of sunshine 11.  delay the appearance of the signs of aging and prevent wrinkles 12.  the treatment of the hair and scalp it keeps the hair and prevents loss and protect it from the crust 13.  used for slimming and getting rid of excess fat which is added to some of the herbs to get impressive and quick results  14-  is rich in vitamin C 15.  works to lighten the skin and increase the freshness 16. have a high potential to rid the body of toxins 17.  helps get rid of hemorrhoids 18.  handling cases of diarrhea 19.  treats infections of the tonsils 20.  helps get rid of the problem of excessive sweating 21.  stop nosebleeds and bleeding blood from the nose 22.  longer useful for people suffering from diseases of the liver and then mixing with whey powder 23.  in addition to honey to cure stomach ailments 24.  kill worms abdomen and then burn Akecorh and mixed with honey 25- proven hair color by adding it to where henna dyed hair out 26.  used in leather tanning
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