The benefits of eating a lemon

فوائد أكل الليمون
Lemon Tree does not exceed six meters in length, and its fruit is yellow color, oval-shaped, acid taste, strong and pungent smell, which is considered one of the citrus fruit. The advantage of lemon Bazareth and take advantage of the juice at most, which is useful in giving the acidic flavor of the food that is added to it, especially the authorities, as we can manufacture juice lemonade from it as well, and can eat it, "Nia" who loves and can eat it so, as well as the crust is used in making some sweets that characterize the lemon flavor. In the State of Mexico planted the first country in the world is considered in lemon production, followed by India, and Iran. Benefits of lemon juice for the lemon many benefits, so as to riches mainly vitamin C and which is found in citrus fruits in general, the lemon juice is useful in: recovery from the flu and its symptoms as soon as, and even better than drugs. Stomach of germs and bacteria cleanse. Purify the blood, by getting rid of body toxins. Protection against heart disease because it contains the element potassium. Soothe and relieve the pain of the wounds and stop the bleeding. Hso drink of the fragmentation of the gallbladder with olive oil. To get rid of mosquitoes and insects, its use as an insecticide. Useful in skin purification and filtered, and then mixing the syrup with coconut milk. Lighten dark areas of the skin, mixing with rose water. Get rid of the black pimples and acne. Teeth Whitening Boukls with bicarbonate of soda. Treat mouth ulcers. Skin whitening. Peeling lips. Strengthen nails. Lighten hair color. The benefits of eating the core of lemon The core of the lemon itself, and eat the fruit itself, is useful in: reducing the effects of aging that appear on the skin, and is useful in reducing the dryness of the skin, which affects the elderly especially for their lack of vitamin B, vitamin C, which is the lemon rich in them, as There are at the heart of lemon Amadadah oxidation and delay the onset of the signs of aging. Increase the life of the body's cells Kkhalaaa brain, so rich in substance "pectin", which contributes to the reduction of diabetes, heart disease, cancers, and Alzheimer's disease, the disease of arthritis, as well as a result indispensable core of lemon element calcium, and lactic acid, which helps regulate the degree the acidity of the body. Eat the core of lemon helps in lowering high blood sugar, and reduce the inflammation associated with this offer. Relieve headache pain and headaches. Strengthen the wall of blood vessels and arteries, and reduce greenhouse bulges and abdomen. Protection from throat infections, and sore throat. Relieve insomnia, tension, and get rid of depression. Protection and healing of osteoporosis, so as to Gnaa Banasra calcium, and magnesium, as well as zinc, vitamin C and all of which in turn helps protect against osteoporosis.

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