Benefits mustard

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Mustard components that mustard is one of the aromatic materials that are used as a spice and be the seeds of mustard yellow Whitaouao or black, while the precise black mustard is the powder resulting from grinding mustard seeds after removing the peel contains mustard on many important including food: -alsellinyum: because it contains a good amount of selenium element contributes mustard in reducing Crisis and some symptoms of arthritis -amonysiom: the mustard good source of magnesium, which also reduces the symptoms of Crisis and lowers high blood pressure and reduces the frequency of migraine attacks and reduces the risk of stroke, heart attack for people who suffer from hardening of the arteries and restores natural sleep cycle for women suffering from insomnia after menopause in menopause -cad fatty Omega: that reduce the likelihood of heart disease, the arteries and contribute to the treatment of depression and immune system --in addition strengthens the many nutrients ins such as phosphorus - iron - manganese - vitamin niacin - dietary fiber mustard seeds belong mustard seeds to the vegetable, called the platoon Crusades group components comprising cast cabbage, broccoli and contain mustard seeds on the Ultimate compounds called glucosinolates, which has repeatedly demonstrated studies characteristics of anti-cancer confirmed experiments on laboratory animals that this distinctive vehicle consumption hampered induced growth of cancer cells also prevent new cancer cells are, suggesting the existence of anti characteristics of the oxidant in the mustard seeds relationship between mustard and thyroid mustard seeds contain natural compounds found in certain foods that may hinder the thyroid advises people who suffer problems with the thyroid gland to avoid mustard consumption, but it can be used mustard for cooking as exposed to high temperatures nullifies the effect of inhibiting properties of the thyroid gland is no doubt that the integrated health food appropriately at all times and for all purposes health food is integrated and balanced meal in the elements and far as possible preservatives and food, little nutritional value are earning the body vigor and vitality and earn a healthy skin and freshness reflect the whole body's health as well as improved mental performance due to favorable fuel that enters him we find who owns a car is expensive value, a good choice of fuel from the most expensive species also improves the choice of oils used by them in addition to the selection of the best parts and the aim of this is to ensure the longer lifespan of the car and perform better and man is no different from this the more we gave our bodies healthy types of various foodstuffs with a move away from junk foods that do more harm than good, the our performance also will be better mentally and physically and health as well as the emergence of this improvement in atomic also despite this, there are healthy for special purposes may need special types of food in the sense that focus on certain types more than others, or an increase from the normal may be useful for example, a patient of influenza, cold needs to focus in vitamin c and other than According to his case either of practicing sport setting calls to vitamin b 12 more in his meals in the winter, extreme cold, the child needs special gives him warmth food and so on for every purpose a special diet is useful in these special circumstances more than any other time a summary of the benefits of mustard • mustard stop phlegm and purifies the skin and softens tumors and joint pain and sciatica. • eye kohl mustard, and goes thirst. • heals mustard alopecia. • is one of the spices used for foods, Light is an appetite suppressant. • uses mustard in the work of localized skin patches to treat rheumatism. • Mustard is a sterile beneficial to the skin. • facilitates the mustard of the chewing process and works to stimulate the stomach. • mustard protects from cerebral palsy and hardening of the arteries and blood pressure. • handles mustard sore mouth and throat, through its use as a mouthwash. Note: The subject of the benefits of mustard is not a medical reference, please see your doctor.
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