What are the benefits broccoli

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Cauliflower or broccoli is also called Venus or Brassica vegetables that grow horizontally, and there are many types of it, there are white broccoli, cauliflower, and enters in the preparation of many delicious dishes is very useful for the health of the body and for the prevention of many diseases. The benefits of broccoli is broccoli source of vitamin C, folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B1, and B3, as it is rich in many minerals such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, and a good source of protein and unsaturated fats, and omega-3, here are some of the benefits: Relieves symptoms Aattabramadada colitis and inflammatory. Reduce the risk of stroke; because it contains allicin. Reducing the risk of diabetes; because it contains vitamin C, potassium, which works to regulate glucose and is used by the pancreas so that keeps the hormone insulin secretion and even diabetes ratio does not go up in the blood and maintain the undescended level of potassium in the body. Fit cell membranes; because broccoli contains choline and phosphorus substance. It keeps the brain and nervous system in the presence of potassium broccoli preserves brain health and proper communication in the nerves. Try eating broccoli for pregnant women; because it contains folic acid, which helps the development of the fetus and the nerves in addition to giving the baby what it needs vitamins and minerals essential for growth. Try eating broccoli to reduce weight and get rid of obesity It helps to stimulate and generate heat works to burn fat and prevent obesity. It strengthens the immune system Valqrnbit contains anti-oxidant materials as well because it contains vitamin C, which helps to prevent infection and strengthen the defense of the body. Broccoli contains potassium, which is maintaining the electrical balance in the body and electrolyte balance and is essential in the transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contractions between the members of the body. Lowers blood pressure and reduces cholesterol due to the presence of fiber and omega-3, it also helps to reduce the hardening of the arteries and heart disease. It addresses the neurological injuries that afflict the human due to infections caused by Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease started. It helps get rid of toxins in the body because it contains indole is the nutrient that works to activate the function of detoxification enzymes, as it works on the liver and purified cleansing. Body cures Aldmr degeneration, and protect the eye tissue of any damage may be affected by the strengthening of view, and to prevent poor vision and cataracts or blindness, especially in the elderly and protect tissue.

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