recommends nutritional guidance to increase intake of fruits and vegetables to make the diet more healthy, and because of its preventive and therapeutic benefits in both obesity and chronic diseases related thereto, such as cardio-vascular, diabetes, cancer (2), so as to the content of these foods of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals and many plant Alvetukemejkal compounds (phytochemicals health beneficial), known compounds Alvetukemejkal as a wide range of chemical compounds for nutritional elements which is found naturally in plant foods and give colors like red color in tomatoes or other sensory Svatta like smell in garlic and doing many jobs in it also has a plant capacity in the prevention of disease in man. Featuring Altuteat numerous health benefits because it has the nutrients of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids, as well as dietary fiber and many multi-phenol Alvetukemejkal vehicles (polyphenolic phytochemicals) such Filaڤonoad (flavonids) and phenolic acids (phenolic acids) and Allegnan (lignans) and tannins (tannins), strawberry has gained special attention being one of the more general fruits and private Altuteat common and widely used, due to entry in many industries like food: yogurt, and juices, jams and jellies (2), in addition to fresh or detachment dealt with, and the Mstkhalastha entered into recent years in the installation of some dietary supplements with other fruits, vegetables and herbs extracts (1), it is also known recently as a food and functional, so for its health benefits beyond the content of nutrients (2). STRAWBERRY installation of one of the most fruits contain the essential nutrients, which contains: (2) carotenoids, vitamin A, and vitamin (e), and vitamin (k). And it distinguishes the high content of vitamin C as they contain 60 mg / 100 g of fresh strawberries. It is also a good source of many other vitamins such as thiamine (B1), and Alripovlaڤan (B2), niacin (B3) and pyridoxine (B6). Strawberries are also characterized by high contents of folic acid (folate), where each 100 grams of fresh strawberries contains 24 micrograms of folate. In addition, the strawberry is characterized by its content of manganese. It is a good source of iodine, magnesium, copper, iron, and phosphorus. It also contains fructose and dietary fiber, and thus provides all the offerings of these nutrients important functions in the body. In addition to traditional nutrients, strawberries contain Alvetukemejkal compounds that exist mainly as compounds and phenol, which made it a Gmaoua functionally, where he was awarded these compounds strawberries: (2) anti-inflammatory qualities. And antioxidant. The discount of lipids (fats), elevated blood. The anti-bacterial and anti-allergy and high blood pressure. The resistance to the proliferation of cancer cells. In addition to the ability to neutralize some of the enzymes and receptors to prevent so many diseases catalyzed oxidation. Considered Filaڤonoadat specifically Allonciosyanin (anthyocyanins) and on the form (pelargonidin) and derivatives of (cyanidine), the main type of multi-phenols in strawberries vehicles, followed by Alaalajitanin (ellagetannins) and specifically (sanguiin-H-6), followed by Filaڤonolat (flavonols following) (quercetin and kaempferol-3-malonylglucoside) and Filawoonolat (catechins and procyanidins), and phenolic acids (caffeic and hydroxybenzoic derivates) (1). Benefits of strawberries strawberries and resist infection gets inflammation naturally when the immune system to fight exotic objects and damage to the body of the wounds and injuries, etc., but the constant stimulation of these operations or irregular work of the immune system with respect to inflammation causes an inflammatory state of active play a key role in chronic diseases: such as heart disease, blood vessels, and Alzheimer's disease, and type II diabetes (1). A study conducted on rats obesity-inducing diet has found an important role for strawberries in the control of blood sugar and regulate many aspects of general inflammation in the body and that you get because of obesity, and the other study was conducted on mice to clarify the role of a strawberry in a slow time be a blood clot that was stimulate the formation through a cut artery laser, has done so because of their impact on certain products that stimulate inflammation atherosclerosis, another study found that giving rats experiments strawberries reduces vulnerability, which infects the nervous upon exposure to radiation (1). As in humans, there is no large number of studies that have singled strawberries, but there is a larger number of studies examining the impact of Altuteat and components to health. As an example, a study was conducted to clarify the impact of the multiple phenolic compounds in strawberries on inflammatory markers and response to insulin, which you get after the meal, and for this purpose the test was the work of 26 people with excess weight, where they were given a high-carbohydrate meal, medium fat to stimulate stress inflammatory (inflammatory stress) and acute stress oxidative (oxidative stress) sharp, was given a group of them 10 grams of dried strawberry powder milling with the meal, while the other group was given a placebo (placebo), and explained the results of the study that eating strawberries has a direct impact in reducing the inflammatory response and reduce the amount of insulin secreted after meal (1). The results of these and other studies the impact of strawberries in the case of active combat the inflammation that leads to infection with many chronic diseases (1). Strawberries and prevention of heart disease and blood vessels supporting scientific evidence on the role of fruit and vegetable consumption in the prevention of many factors that raise the risk of cardiovascular disease, such as obesity, high blood pressure, Type II diabetes, also found many of the studies is an inverse relationship between eating fruits and vegetables and the incidence of cardiovascular disease, and can be summed up the role of strawberries in the prevention of heart disease and vascular three effects which its role as: (1). Antioxidant (1). Anti-hypertension (1). Anti-atherosclerosis, and describes the following studies of these effects (1). Competent studies suggest strawberries role Filaڤonoadat as anti-oxidant in maintaining cell membranes from oxidation, which contributes to cardiovascular disease, and in a study conducted on 23 people from healthy volunteers, was given strawberries for a month, resulting in a reduction of total blood cholesterol and bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides and free a number of compounds that increase oxidative stress in the body, and reduces eating strawberries from many of the processes that contribute to cardiovascular disease, such as platelet aggregation and revitalization (1). In another study it found that eating 500 grams (test dose) of strawberries a day to raise the level of antioxidants in the blood, especially the concentration of vitamin C, also found that strawberries improves the resistance of red blood biodegradable cells, and found that Alonciosinyin extracted from strawberries and blueberries reduces high blood pressure, is also found in other another study that Alonciosyanin (60% of it derived from strawberries and blueberries) reduces the risk of coronary artery disease and the consumption of 3 servings a week at least of strawberries and blueberries reduces the risk of coronary artery disease (1 ). Strawberries and metabolic syndrome known as metabolic syndrome infecting a person with three at least of the following cases: Obesity moderation, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, high triglycerides in the blood, and the imbalance in the ratio of bad cholesterol (LDL) to good cholesterol (HDL), and associated with metabolic syndrome, up inflammation indicators and the oxidation of fats in the body. Altuteat has gained particular attention in the search for her role in the resistance to this syndrome, as illustrated many of the studies the role of strawberries or extracts Alonciosyanin in lowering blood sugar in cases of obesity and diabetes, also found that strawberry extracts play a similar role to the digestive enzymes of carbohydrates and fats, which explains their ability to control sugar, blood pressure and improve cases of metabolic syndrome (1). In an experiment conducted on 27 people infected syndrome metabolic, was given 50 grams of dried strawberry powder milling (equivalent to 500 grams of fresh strawberries) a day, to produce a decrease in cholesterol total blood and bad cholesterol (LDL) and Almalondayaldehid (a measure of oxidative stress) and small molecules bad cholesterol, which improves the state of metabolic syndrome in obese adults and found other tests influential strawberry in reducing the rise in blood sugar and insulin after meals (1). And it can be concluded from the above that the strawberry positive impact on resistance metabolic syndrome in the prevention of diabetes type II, may be useful to be addressed frequently by people who have the ability or the risk of them (1). Strawberries and preventive and therapeutic role in cancer characterized strawberries qualities resistant to cancer and anti-oxidant effects of protective genes, and demonstrated these qualities in the studies of many types of cancer cells in humans and mice out of the body (in-vitro studies), and in studies of experimental animals within the body (in-vivo studeis), but still within the body that studies looking at the effect of strawberries cancer in the human body are limited and need to be more studies to support its findings. There are strawberries in many multi-phenol vehicles carrying anti-cancer properties, as it raises the work of some chemical treatments (1). And are interpreted the role of strawberries in fighting cancer in its ability to detoxify certain carcinogens, to get rid of active oxygen compounds, reducing oxidative damage, which affects the DNA (DNA), and reduce the proliferation of cancer cells by stimulating the death and stop its divisive, and stop the blood vessels supplying it to have a in addition to other mechanics (1). In a study of oral cancer catalyst chemicals in experimental animals, found that strawberries reduce the tumorigenesis and inflammation and proliferation of cancer cells, indicators, and in the study of human, has been associated with some of the flowering plants, including strawberries eating to reduce the risk of esophageal, head and neck cancer, as found in another study of people with precancerous lesions in the esophagus that eating strawberries at a dose of 60 g per day for a period of 6 months is able to prevent the development of these cancerous sores (1). For colon cancer, the study was conducted on mice and found a positive effect of strawberry on many indicators the development of cancer, while a large study conducted on humans to show a simple relationship with Strawberry reduce the risk of colon cancer (1). In mice, it was found that water extracts of strawberry capable of inhibiting lung motivational tobacco tumors grow, they also prevented pulmonary emphysema (pulmonary emphysema) and degeneration of the liver (liver degenration) and weight loss and gene defect, as the capacities of the strawberry extracts methanolic stop breast cancer in mice, the modified tests genetically to stimulate breast cancer (1). Strawberries and neurological diseases study found that between the years 1980 to 2001, an association between eating strawberries and blueberries high quantities with a slow decline in cognitive abilities, and found several studies role of strawberry in the fight against the decline of mental abilities with age (2)., Also found for a material in strawberries (Alvesatin) properties that anti-depressant in mice, and found that it increases the secretion of serotonin and norepinephrine, which indicates the possibility of taking Alvesatin antidote natural antidepressant, and I found one study role of Vecetin fight Hintngton disease which is characterized by decline in cognitive abilities in addition to symptoms psychological and motor that you get because of the death of brain cells, a disease that has no cure to this day, and therefore can strawberries play a role in the control of this disease (1). In addition to the benefits of strawberries that have been mentioned, it can help strawberries to treat certain types of anemia due to the high content of folic acid, iron and other nutrients, as they are considered Gmaoua low in calories and appropriate diet weight loss, (3). In spite of the endless benefits of strawberry However, some people suffer from sensitivity to this fruit and all that it contains, such as some types of sweets or drinks, should be avoided completely addressed in these cases (3)