Peach peach or plum tree is the tree of the same nucleus, followed by sex peaches, peach tree grows in temperate regions in the spring, one of the trees that follow the platoon pink, the color white flowers of different colors and fruit, may be pink or red. Covers the fruit of peach ripe white layer dusty, it seems the fruit of peach color green tilted to bluer. And this layer can be removed easily. These are called waxy layer that coats the fruit of peach class peak Alhimah.oataleg on peaches, dried prunes or dried plum, and peach colors characterized the fruit from the inside, we find the color yellow, white or red. Peach Fruit also contains many benefits because they contain vitamins and minerals. Nutritional value Peach has a high nutritional value, the presence of carbohydrates at a rate of g, and the presence of fibers ranging from a few percent to the gym, as we find in the Peach ratio of 13 g sugar, but low in protein. We find where vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin d, vitamin k. And the ratio of metal iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, and Peach is a source of antioxidants Kalflavinoad, with vitamin C, vitamin A, which all are important for the body and protect cells. The benefits of peach peach skin benefits it contributes to the fight against wrinkles and signs of aging. Peach also helps in the fight against dark circles, make pink skin; they contain (vitamin C, vitamin A), known for the beauty that they were vitamins. It also protects the skin from the sun's harmful rays. Peach helps to increase blood pressure regulation and control by helping arteries to relax, because it contains potassium. This helps in maintaining cardiovascular health. Peach promotes digestive health, for richer peach fiber and minerals such as potassium, body Faihma of digestion disorders and constipation, easy bowel action, helping the balance of fluids in the body. Peach preserves the health of the eyes, Vthoi grain peach on beta-carotene, which protects the tissues of the eye, and the lack thereof in the body can cause night blindness. Peach is a special food for pregnant, Fessaadha prevent constipation, which may hit it in the late months of pregnancy. The vitamins and minerals in it are important to the health of the fetus and the mother. The presence of potassium in peach helps pregnant breast-feeding, and helps the water balance in the body, relieve fluid retention in the body. And peach juice is very important for the children to his riches in vitamins and minerals for the health of the child's body. Peaches may cause allergic skin in rare cases, you should pay attention to not eat the seed of plums because they contain toxic compounds. It also should be washed thoroughly to get rid of pesticides bacteria.