What are the benefits of carob

Carob or pods dry fruit of the trees of carob , which follows the Fabaceae a large evergreen grows in rocky land dry has been used as the core of the fruit as food is sweet and carob many wonderful benefits in addition to taste beautiful and famous for also carob that can be taken such as eating and juice 
benefits carob 
1.  contains carob acids act as an analgesic and anti-allergic and anti-bacterial and anti - oxidation and anti-viral and antiseptic 2.  carob improves digestion and lowers cholesterol level 3 is  used to treat diarrhea in children and adults alike 4.  contains no caffeine , so it is useful for people with high blood pressure 5.  regular use of carob helps in the prevention of lung cancer 6.  contains carob vitamin E , which helps in the treatment of cough and flu 7.  contains iron, which helps to overcome anemia 8.  contains carob acid known as Gallic acid, which helps prevent and treating polio 9.  also considered carob interferon therapy for osteoporosis because of its richness in phosphorus, calcium 10.  the singers chewing carob it contains audio and throat scan all these benefits encourages you to eat carob either juice or eat it as you can substitute soft drinks for you and your children Bakherob and other natural juices other uses carob 1.  uses carob powder as asubstitute for cocoa powder or chocolate in cakes, cookies and pastries 2-  for making cakes and pies, using carob chips instead of chocolate chips 3.  hot drinks can use carob powder instead of coffee 4.  owners bakeries and pastry carob considered commercially important factor and where an alternative can be used to make a thick dough strength
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