The benefits of eating lettuce

فوائد أكل الخس

Lettuce is lettuce and one of the most important plant species at all; where he belongs to what is known Balveselh astrocytes, which is also a vegetable types that are widely used in many delicious and different foods that people accept them constantly, and famous for the cultivation of lettuce on one side of the Mediterranean basin in west to Siberia in the east, but it is today because of modern agricultural techniques, it has become lettuce available in many places of the globe as well as previous areas where further spread, and by eating lettuce rights acquired many important health benefits and actively projected in It follows. The health benefits of lettuce works for some analgesic pain that may infect humans. Used in the treatment of some cases, such as anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and various neurological imbalances. Contains a very small percentage of calories; which consists mostly of water, also contains important and useful Kalolaav nutrients, calcium, minerals, iron, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium, and several B vitamins (C, A, K) along with a number of folic acid, antioxidants, and a number of other important materials. Irresistible human infection status of anemia; It has a high percentage of chlorophyll, as well as iron; they serve as the most important substances that the body needs to overcome this situation and Prevention. Help get human bones sound, and health, because of vitamin K, which is where there is well proportioned; where is this vitamin is important for building bone and the formation of proteins that help strengthen cell elements, and prevent the formation of osteoporosis in humans. Human prevent constipation that may infect anyone, because of what contained high and a high proportion of fiber; the lettuce juice helps relieve constipation by activating the movements of the human intestine. The body rid of harmful substances which may accumulate because of anti-oxidants, and the element potassium helps the body to diuresis, and thus get rid of the various types of toxins that may result for one reason or another. It works to hydrate the cells; as it is food that give the body recovery and humidity. Struggling cough; as lettuce juice helps in the treatment of asthma, and reduce the severity of the nervous cough, apart from reducing the inflammation of the people. Use old by doctors as a substitute for opium material, so as to minimize the pain that may infect humans, and now, eating one cup of lettuce juice before bedtime one hour rights helps to relax and sleep quiet comfortable, it also calms the human project in neurological cases and psychological tensions.

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