esult of always is one of the items of the fruits of palm trees, known since football since the time of the Pharaohs in Egypt is currently deployed in Saudi Arabia, the Sudan, the fruit of the always similar in shape the apple always known بالبهش a durable plants frequently grows in the cities of Egyptian level solid results and in the volume of the apple often grow in mountainous areas, on the banks of the valleys and the cliffs and bovine spongiform encephalopathy bean is the part which inedible, but the core very rugged and size of chicken egg
scientific uses of the
fruit of the papers always used in the work of the chains and ropes also used to خشبه in carpentry and found the fruits of always commonly found in graves of the ancient Egyptians used by industry artisans dyes and toothpaste tinting paint in the gypsum industry produces the centuries and many other
health benefits of cultivation Always
1. help significantly to Asthma Treatment
2. Working to address the prostate
3. benefit patients who suffer from a permanent rise in pressure
4. منقوعه used on the scalp and helps germination of hair according to in cases of baldness
5. Always there is the ability of very large to reduce cholesterol in the blood of rights and cholesterol lead the intransigence of the arteries of the brain and heart
6. The core of the fruits of always often to treat the sun strike where eat it have been stricken if found that harsh fruit and dry in this situation could be crushed drank then three tablespoons per day, with a glass of water
7. Be Used always plant for the treatment of cases of hemorrhoids and is used to treat causes ulcerations affecting the mouth and works Residence the pains of the legs
8. Always plant works on the amendment of the hormone testosterone thus it affects and clear in the treatment of the disturbances that accompany the sexual ability when men and works to increase the number of sperm in the Man and the lack of the hormone testosterone when men for the normal rate it may lead to problems of many health and affects, inter alia, memory strength and energy and the ability of nationality in the basis for bone force
9. The treatment of infertility in women are mixing pending the grains vaccine always tree with hanging from the honey smoked daily
10. always very rich many vitamins and important food which make it the treatment plant pharmacological useful and necessary
11. always has the niacin vitamins B1 and B2, vitamin A and most of all this is that indispensable elements of materials Anti-oxidization and has a strong effect such as very الفلافونويد vehicles as is well known, the antioxidants be of great help in the fight against free roots and thus protects from many of the problems affecting human health and whether the reduction in the level of blood cholesterol and reduce fats or strengthening human memory and the protection of the integrity of the VX nerve agent and the work of the brain and even combating signs of Aging
held a lot of research and studies on the benefits of always and still is always the result of those since the football
scientific uses of the
fruit of the papers always used in the work of the chains and ropes also used to خشبه in carpentry and found the fruits of always commonly found in graves of the ancient Egyptians used by industry artisans dyes and toothpaste tinting paint in the gypsum industry produces the centuries and many other
health benefits of cultivation Always
1. help significantly to Asthma Treatment
2. Working to address the prostate
3. benefit patients who suffer from a permanent rise in pressure
4. منقوعه used on the scalp and helps germination of hair according to in cases of baldness
5. Always there is the ability of very large to reduce cholesterol in the blood of rights and cholesterol lead the intransigence of the arteries of the brain and heart
6. The core of the fruits of always often to treat the sun strike where eat it have been stricken if found that harsh fruit and dry in this situation could be crushed drank then three tablespoons per day, with a glass of water
7. Be Used always plant for the treatment of cases of hemorrhoids and is used to treat causes ulcerations affecting the mouth and works Residence the pains of the legs
8. Always plant works on the amendment of the hormone testosterone thus it affects and clear in the treatment of the disturbances that accompany the sexual ability when men and works to increase the number of sperm in the Man and the lack of the hormone testosterone when men for the normal rate it may lead to problems of many health and affects, inter alia, memory strength and energy and the ability of nationality in the basis for bone force
9. The treatment of infertility in women are mixing pending the grains vaccine always tree with hanging from the honey smoked daily
10. always very rich many vitamins and important food which make it the treatment plant pharmacological useful and necessary
11. always has the niacin vitamins B1 and B2, vitamin A and most of all this is that indispensable elements of materials Anti-oxidization and has a strong effect such as very الفلافونويد vehicles as is well known, the antioxidants be of great help in the fight against free roots and thus protects from many of the problems affecting human health and whether the reduction in the level of blood cholesterol and reduce fats or strengthening human memory and the protection of the integrity of the VX nerve agent and the work of the brain and even combating signs of Aging
held a lot of research and studies on the benefits of always and still is always the result of those since the football