At first what is wheatgrass? Wheatgrass is a small herb belonging to the family of soft wheat plant, known as the wheat plant. The same applies to such as barley, oats, rye herb belonging to the family of herbal pills.
Where it comes from wheat grass?
Its origins dating back to more than 5000 years. At that time, it was the Egyptians leaders are considered sacred small wheat sprouts and they were using for their positive impact on their health and activity. Wheat grass also been used for thousands of years in India, as part of the ancient folk medicine.
His fame came in the Western world since 1930, thanks to Charles F. Schnabel, an agricultural chemical used herbs in wheat chicken Nursing Almuchk on the death of his recovery. And precisely what made it surprising is that the patient is not cured chicken only when eaten, but also seemed to lie on the eggs almost daily, rather than every three Ayam-'s basically egg production has doubled to three-fold! It is an amazing thing, is not it?
After two decades of time, returned wheat grass again for the lights on the way to and Ijmor, normal woman was using, by blending other herbs to heal from colon cancer. So I went to the Hippocrates Health Institute, there are known wheat grass and famous and was spread stimulate continued interest in wheat grass
What can be done wheat grass and what are the benefits of wheat grass?
Wheat grass is very rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids as well as plant nutrients as to contain antioxidant properties, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. Interestingly, it was noted that many of the phytonutrients found in herbal pills have not been identified and the mechanisms through which provides health benefits are still largely unknown.
There is a lot of information that spread out on the benefits of wheat grass, what us real and what is unreal Let us show you everything and you discussed:
The first allegation: that the bud and one of wheat grass juice has the same nutritional value in 2.5 pounds of fresh vegetables:
The wheat grass is certainly rich in many nutrients, including vitamin E and B12, iron, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. It also contains beta-Curtin, a nutrient found in fruits and vegetables like orange mango, Alcantalub, pumpkin, carrots and potatoes. It also contains selenium, an important element of the performance of the thyroid gland. Vitamin E, beta-Curtin working Kaanasran Amadadan powerful antioxidants. That means protecting the body from the impact of harmful molecules known as free radicals. So, no doubt that the wheat grass has to be attached great nutritional value.
The one ounce of wheat grass juice is equivalent, in the amount of vitamins and minerals, three ounces of fresh vegetables, no more, no less.
So, does a bud of wheat grass can compensate for the absence of vegetables in the diet? Not entirely. The daily consumption of wheat grass juice does not mean neglecting the vegetables and fruit rest of the day, but it can contribute to provide you with the nutrients you eat in a day.
Verdict: It is true that one ounce of wheat grass juice gives you more or less nutritional value in three ounces of fresh vegetables. So drink it regularly does not sing about the presence of vegetables, but it adds more nutrients you need in your day.
The second claim: that wheat grass helps with weight loss:
Some say that the wheat grass supplying your body with everything it needs, thanks to its rich nutrients, the body's supply and reduce hunger and reduce cravings for food. And others say that the wheat grass stimulates the thyroid gland, which in turn fights obesity.
Currently there is no scientific evidence to support these allegations. But this does not mean that one day a bud of wheat grass does not help.
Verdict: There are no magic pills to reduce weight. But the daily reminders of your decision to lose some weight can certainly help you through perseverance towards achieving your goal.
The third claim: that wheat grass helps the body to breathe:
This claim originally from high Sbh of chlorophyll in it, which is the part that allows the plant to produce energy from the sun through photosynthesis. The wonderful thing about the chlorophyll is precisely that it resembles in its construction of hemoglobin, the part that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Since chlorophyll and hemoglobin are similar in construction, the breathing, one of them makes the body produce more than any other body energy.
Interestingly, some scientific evidence that supports this theory does not exist. It comes in the form of a small study, conducted on 32 patients with thalassemia. Persons with Thalassemia There have to be a shortage of hemoglobin, which leads to lack of oxygen and the destruction of vital red blood cells. To increase hemoglobin levels in a healthy way, it must be regular blood transfusions for people who suffer from this disease process. This special study found that daily consumption of 3.5 ounces of wheat grass to make 50% of the patients need blood transfusions less operations, noting that wheat grass may be, at least in some people, have a positive effect on hemoglobin levels.
Similarly, eating an ounce of wheat grass for 6 months significantly able to increase the level of hemoglobin among 348 cancer patients with hopeless cases.
Verdict: from may be true. Wheat grass may help to breathe oxygen in the body, but few studies have investigated this purpose. There is a need for more evidence to prove this claim.
Prosecutors IV: The wheat grass maintains strong bones:
The effect of alkali wheat grass is already possible help to get strong bones. The idea that the alkaline environment in the body causing damage to bones have been proposed for more than 40 years. Since then, research in large check on this topic, and find evidence of the validity of both sides held.
In short, the acid environment which causes For example, eating acid from meat and dairy foods, working to weak bones. Of course, that your kidneys are designed to counter the influence of acid food, maintaining the pH balance in the body. But this is even a certain time, then become your kidneys not bear to do it. This adversely affects the bones. It is said also that the bones become at risk if you have a lack of muscle and bone mass in a diet in which food acid significantly depreciated.
There is one thing that must be taken into account is that by reviewing the modern methodology is not found on the protective role of the effect of diet-based acids on bone disease. If was your diet containing fruits and vegetables, there is no benefit from the intake of wheat grass. On the other hand, if your diet relies on large amounts of acidic food, it is possible that in the wheat grass alkaline property lead to reduced acidity of the body, and provide you with an interest rate low.
Verdict: It may be the validity of this claim. The wheat grass may reduce the body's acidic, and thus protect the bones. But again, this can be achieved through diet and plant also exercise. So try to get these three things to increase the efficiency temple bone.
Prosecutors V: Wheat grass prevents and cures cancer:
It is believed that the herbal pills have an effect on the cells renewed. The most basic sense, that is, it could serve from our DNA. Thus, the repair of damaged nucleic acids in our bodies helps to retreat diseases such as cancer. This is what I think many people.
Studies conducted on animals that have agreed. For example, in 1980, d. "Xu Nan Lai" of the Medical Center of the University of Texas, found that extracts of wheat grass and other green vegetables had hinted damaged relics to reel off two molecules causing cancer. Valkhaddroat Alkhadda has been observed its ability to protect against radiation damage (such as protection from the impact of radiation X). With food with high percentage of chlorophyll occurs Great protection. Recent research has finally showed that wheat grass helps the body fight leukemia.
But does this mean the same effect occurs in humans?
It's possible, the wheat grass is sure it is rich in antioxidants, which are known to protect it from cancer. And more than that, he found through a study of 60 women with breast cancer that wheat grass is able to reduce some of the harmful effects of chemotherapy without impact on the effectiveness of treatment.
Verdict: This claim may be true for prevention, but there is no full proof of his ability to cure. Some scientists have supported the strong influence on the protection from cancer by eating wheat grass rich in antioxidants, which could have reduced the damage caused by chemotherapy. However, the healing properties found in wheat grass exaggerated look where as there was no evidence to support this claim.
Sixth allegation: that wheat grass is beneficial to your digestive system:
Consumers Almentzmon powder wheat grass they can recognize it; that this love herbal sure it maintains a regular bowel movement! The credit for this is due to contain wheat grass are high in fiber.
But fiber is not only a function of regulating bowel movement; it also reduces cholesterol and give you a sense of satiety. The 5 grams of dried herbal love contributes about Grameen of fiber, which is equivalent to about 50 grams of love cooked whole wheat, 100 grams apples or 300 grams of spinach.
And more than this, there was a small study in 2002 found that patients who suffer from inflammation of the colon (also known as the people with ulcerative colitis) that the symptoms have improved after drinking 3.5 ounces of wheat grass juice a day for a whole month. These results are certainly encouraging! But there are 23 people in this study, need more results to confirm this effect.
Verdict: probably correct to 3 ounces of wheat grass juice generally contain more fiber than found in most fruits and vegetables. Use in your diet guides your body and your digestive system easy way to take advantage of the many benefits of fiber.
Prosecutors seventh: Wheat grass helps to purify the liver of toxins:
There are many rumors about the "ability of wheat grass on the purification of toxins," but, unfortunately, there is no strong evidence of this speech. Search was only on mice with liver complex cases, which attaches the preventive role of the juice of fresh wheat grass. Although the results were promising, but studies on humans on this subject did not occur.
Verdict: judgment in this matter is up to the work to be more research about him.
Prosecutors VIII: The wheat grass helps renew the skin:
Some of the benefits of wheat grass on the skin, helping to renewal, helping to get rid of acne, to overcome the drought and eczema treatment and change color. Links Aftbtabh of wheat grass juice on the skin apparently able to slow aging and accelerate the healing process after a sunburn. So is it possible to wheat grass that help you get a bright face?
Despite the gentleness of these allegations, but the problem is that almost no scientific evidence supported
Verdict: There is a low probability of the validity of this claim given the need for more evidence. Wheat grass is probably not a treasure re young, but passed a simple wheat grass with your fingers on the skin will not hurt.
Prosecutors IX: Wheat grass helps to heal faster:
If we go back in time to 1940, the chlorophyll was considered a vaccine for meningitis cleansed because of its existing properties. It was used successfully in hospitals for the treatment of open wounds to prevent infection and to stop harmful bacteria both growth. And it had to be injected sinus firmly chlorophyll to remove congestion, rapid recovery from colds.
So, with a high proportion of chlorophyll in wheat grass, it is safe to assume that from eating or drinking it will produce the same beneficial effects?
Not necessarily. First, we must remember that chlorophyll is present in every leafy vegetables, including wheat grass, surrounded by a layer of cellulose. The cellulose is hard to digest on our digestive system Created ... So, the chlorophyll found in wheat grass can be difficult to absorb sufficient quantities of it to get a similar result to be used directly, making this claim is weak.
Verdict: low probability for the validity of this claim. Perhaps the digestion of chlorophyll a good thing and has positive effects on Chweina but still there was no evidence that the consumption of wheat grass can do a similar result.
Prosecutors X: The wheat grass helps to adjust the level of sugar in the blood:
It seems that the wheat grass has positive effects on blood sugar levels. In studies conducted on animals, both the production of insulin sensitivity and increased general and helped the body to its efficiency in dealing with glucose. It's really amazing discoveries certainly, more Vantzam rates of glucose in the blood that can work on the balance of energy levels and curb the appetite for food, and the two have a direct impact on your waist and wellness in general.
Verdict: This is probably the claim is true. It is possible that wheat grass helps to control blood sugar levels, but more evidence is lacking, especially in humans, there is a need to properly support this claim.
Prosecutors atheist ten: Wheat grass that gets rid of bad breath and body odor:
Many of the fans of wheat grass boast supernatural strength to remove the smell of the body and also to get the same refreshing. But so far, only a few studies looking about this claim no source. The mixed results.
Some have decided Alklorovin (derived from chlorophyll) can reduce urinary and fecal Allowaih in patients who suffer from lack of control in the urine and feces. On the other hand, that there is no effective therapeutic experience has been controlled and found that Alklorovin will be no more effective than placebo for reducing the smell of feces. As for the influence of microclimate on the health of your mouth this grass .. Do not hold yourself where it is there is no scientific evidence to support this "recovery" alleged.
Verdict: the possibility of a weak validity of this claim, where there is not enough scientific evidence to it. But perhaps the best way (non-scientific) to make your mind are deciding to take a green bud after a meal inside garlic!
Prosecutors XII: Wheat grass increases athletic performance:
Sometimes it announces wheat grass as a source of fast absorption of sugar, and the ability to supply the body with a quick source of energy from the explosion of sports performance. It's claim is interesting, is not it? Take a small bud before you go to the gym directly, optimize your performance ability!
It's bad that this effect is weak possibility. Food Valthalil of wheat grass shows it contains 2 grams of carbohydrates per 100 ml of juice. So you even come close to those of the increase in Wireless Performance, you must almost liters consumption of wheat grass juice! Without this account it also contains protein and fiber, both of which are working to reduce the absorption of carbohydrates, which makes this claim is weak, even if you can consumption that amount of that juicy green in one sitting.
Verdict: Not true. Each fruit juice or if even a slice of bread with jam, are all good sources of sugars Food session before the race.
Prosecutors XIII: The wheat grass helps dental health:
It is alleged that the wheat grass excellent treatment for tooth decay and gingivitis (inflammation of the tissue subsidized dental disease). The researchers attributed this effect to the presence of chlorophyll in wheat grass. As the chlorophyll in wheat grass hard on the intestines absorb, then these effects are not likely linked to green Balbraam.
Verdict: low probability for the validity of this claim, since there is no scientific evidence Cafe proved. But if you're hoping that, why not try wheat grass and testing yourself?
How can you use wheat grass?
Do you decided to try wheat grass? It will be very happy that there are many choices in front of you! You can use either fresh wheat grass Kaaasira of raw wheat grass, also available for you to use wheat grass powder soaked in a water bottle or a stick in the compressed capsules.
Are there any side effects of wheat grass?
So far, there is not a lot of information about the safety of the use of wheat grass in the long term. But it is worth noting that wheat grass can cause nausea, loss of appetite or even constipation in some individuals.