The benefits of fruits and vegetables

فوائد الفواكة والخضار
Fruits and vegetables was associated with the name of fruits and vegetables in our minds healthy and light food, namely vitamins, fiber and minerals basket, and is the fruits and vegetables of the most important foods that your body needs, and can not be dispensed with in any way, as the meat is never a substitute for eating fruits and vegetables, is green vegetables and red a very important source of iron, has been singing for tablets for those who suffer from anemia, and occupies vegetables and fruits fourth place in the food pyramid. Vary the benefits of fruits and vegetables by type, vary each component and its contents, and each has a different interest to the body, divided vegetables into multiple groups: Kalorkiet, and roots, and Albsaliat and others, As for fruits mismatch: almonds, citrus fruits, and many others. The benefits of vegetables eaten vegetables cooked and raw, and each group has a different benefits: a set Papers mallow, spinach, lettuce, cabbage, parsley, watercress, and watercress, celery, mint, coriander, dill and many others, and is characterized Papers its proximity to the vitamin C, vitamin (k ), as they contain vitamin b complex, which is rich in fiber, and contain a large amount of water, so it eases blood pressure, blood sugar, and help protect against heart disease, and in terms of the aesthetics, it keeps the freshness of the skin and help Weight Loss. Roots potatoes Group, sweet potatoes, carrots, turnips, beets, radishes, etc., and the advantage of this vegetable its proximity to the carbohydrate, so they provide the body with energy, it is also a few calories and some of these vegetables Kalshmender considered expelling the poisons and treated anemia as beets contain a quantity large iron, it also opens the appetite, and rapid digestion, and others is a moisturizer and a laxative and diuretic Kalfatt, as for the potatoes they contain potassium and iron, a source of fiber. Albsaliat onion and garlic group, characterized this group as reduce the risk of colon cancer, they also contain fiber and reduce blood pressure, and cholesterol. Benefits of fruit apples, bananas, mangoes, oranges, pears, guava, cherry, apricot, watermelon, pomegranate, grapes, almonds, berries, kiwi, and Alkaka and many others, namely vitamins Bank, and contains antioxidants, which studies have shown that people who eat fruits on a daily basis become their immunity against diseases and less incidence of heart disease and diabetes they have, as well as obesity, where the fruit a few calories despite its sweetness, and the useful red fruits heavily to treat anemia as it is rich in iron and minerals. So we need to eat fruits and vegetables on a daily basis and balanced; to get important vitamins and minerals, and to prevent ourselves from diseases that have become largely scattered because of bad diet that follow.

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