The onion of food items added; it is used in cooking with other materials to give her a bitter taste, and is eaten sometimes green with some dishes; it helps to open up the appetite, a leafy plants which have its head in the ground, the more the largesse of planting onions in the sandy soil of light and to the fact that its roots lattice high, and needs to irrigate at the beginning of its growth, and is often grown by relying on rainwater. Not all varieties of onions are stored; but there are special varieties and the best red color, which is covered by a cohesive peel; as these peels working to maintain moisture for bead onions. Although the value of food onions, however, be used directly is likable, and that because of the smell of it, and onions from the materials that were mentioned in the Quran, which is known since ancient times, and used for medical purposes, as well as for its nutritional value. House is not devoid of the amount of onion storable; since it is the basic kitchen ingredients. The importance of the onion and Akecorh onion nutritional and medicinal value, but Akecorh great medicinal value; as described Kmenqua to treat many diseases, and the significance of the onion because it contains a lot of nutrients that help or activate a lot of members in the human body, the most important of these elements are: material sulfur: a which caused him to smell. Chrome material: chrome of useful materials to improve the body's response to insulin, which regulates blood sugar, the more what is described for people with diabetes. Vitamin c: helps improve the body's immune, and gives the body and face special freshness and vitality. Fiber: It is working to revitalize the work of the intestine, prevents constipation, as it protects against heart disease. Vitamin b6: helps strengthen the nerves. Peel the onion: the flavonoids that help capillaries to do its job better there, as they resist infections such as infections of the colon. Onions help lower blood pressure, prevent hardening of the arteries. Water peel onions: useful for the treatment of dandruff, it gives hair shine and reduces hair loss. Onions and Akecorh useful for gingivitis and inflammation of almonds. In the case of inflammation of the bladder using drenched peel onions and drink twice a day for four consecutive days. Drenched peel the onion is useful for dry cough; they drink it half a cup three times a day before eating. Touted onion soup crust slimming how to store onions onions stored in well-ventilated place programs, and a little moisture, such as jerry perforated baskets. You should not put onions with potatoes in the same place, so that the potatoes absorb moisture onions, and cause putrefaction.